Dear John,

You have been on a “You’re a loser!” kick as of late and it is driving me a bit crazy.  Today, you said that to your brother and I decided to go a different route than the usual, “He is not a loser.  Stop it or go upstairs!” I always seem to fall back on that when I can’t think of something more effective.

A New Perspective


Today, I explained that I would never call you a “loser” because you’re not.  We got into a short conversation about divine nature and if you are a child of God, it is pretty difficult to be a “loser” in the eternal scheme of things.  However, it is the Holy Ghost that helps us to make sure that we are winning.  So, if we are being mean and calling other people “losers” it causes us to lose the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

I hope that you will remember that you always have the capacity to be a winner – as does everyone else.  Please help them to feel that ability to be a winner.  There is so much negativity that it is easy to think low of ourselves.  Be one who lifts others up and lets them see just how glorious their potential is.

I love you to the moon and back and back again!


Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash