by Anne | Mar 16, 2021 | Seeking Faith
“What is needed during times of crisis is calm and clear-headed trust…Focus on the things you can do and not on the things you cannot do.” Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “God Will Do Something Unimaginable” My son asked me recently if my dad ever gets mad. As I thought...
by Anne | Jun 24, 2020 | Seeking Faith
I was humbled as I realized that my preparation for this conference was a hinge point in my personal history. I felt changes in my heart. I felt new gratitude…I imagine that others are feeling, because of careful preparation, more joyful, more optimistic, and...
by Anne | Jun 17, 2020 | Seeking Faith
Along with the peaceful direction we receive from the Holy Ghost, from time to time, God powerfully and very personally assures each of us that He knows us and loves us and that He is blessing us specifically and openly. Elder Neil L. Anderson, “Spiritually Defining...
by Anne | Jun 10, 2020 | Seeking Faith
The Spirit helps us determine which work to focus on today. The Lord’s loving influence through the Holy Ghost helps us know His priority for our progression. Heeding personal revelation leads to personal progression. Joy D. Jones, “An Especially Noble Calling” Do you...
by Anne | Jun 4, 2020 | Seeking Faith
I’ve been thinking about this quote a lot lately. I tried to figure out what type of picture to use – a door that’s closing, a roadwork ahead sign, something. Then it dawned on me – donuts. Donuts disappear FAST around our house. You have...
by Anne | Jun 3, 2020 | Seeking Faith
Father and Mother Smith experienced personal setbacks, forcing them to move their family numerous times before finally giving up on New England and making the courageous decision to move farther west, to New York State. President M. Russell Ballard, “Shall We Not Go...