Twisting and Turning

Twisting and Turning

I recently had some articles published on the LDS Living website.  I’ve had a few people ask me how that came about so I thought I’d explain here. At different times in my life, I have put a real and sincere effort into being an “instrument in the Lord’s hands.” This...
Deep Stretches

Deep Stretches

For a short time while I was growing up, I wanted to be a physical therapist. Later, while recovering from a knee surgery, I learned that part of their job is somewhat akin to torturing people. (I instead became a pharmacist so I can give people medicine to feel...
Climbing Partners

Climbing Partners

I have a very distinct memory of putting our eldest in his crib when he was a few weeks old and getting a strong impression that he needed to be a big brother. At the park today, his little brother was scared to climb this hill. He came up and said, “Will you...
Revelation for a Blockhead

Revelation for a Blockhead

I had an interesting experience with revelation today.  For a few months, I’ve had some nagging issues so finally decided to go to the doctor and get evaluated.  As we discussed options, there were two very different classes of drugs that we could try.  As a...
Heavenly Job Chart

Heavenly Job Chart

Dear John, Yesterday morning, Spencer had meticulously set up a complicated game.  He proudly announced he was finished and wanted us to look at what he’d done.  Then, just to be mean, you came over, knocked it all down and stole a piece so that Spencer wouldn’t be...